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Create a climate of cooperation, mutual respect & acceptance


  • Acknowledge children’s feelings as natural and acceptable
  • Help children identify their own feelings
  • Be patient and model the positive interactions you want to see in them
  • Help children work out problems with as little intervention as possible

Create a climate of cooperation, mutual respect & acceptance

    • Read and tell stories that help children explore their feelings
    • Help children with the vocabulary to name their feelings: surprised, excited, happy, upset, angry, sad, scared
    • Teach children techniques to self-soothe when they are upset, like taking deep breaths or choosing to go to a quiet space
    • Affirm behaviors you want them to display, such as, “I like how you are sharing the books”
    • Use words like “be gentle,” “please” and “thank you”
    • Use routines such as diapering, dressing, feeding and napping as opportunities for gaining a child’s attention and cooperation
    • Tips for resolving conflicts:
      • Give each child involved a chance to share their feelings
      • Give each child a chance to articulate the problem as they see it and what they want
      • In your own words, summarize what you heard each child say
      • Ask the children to brainstorm possible solutions
      • Restate the problem, summarize the possible solutions and decide together how to resolve the problem
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