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Financial Security and Economic Mobility for Child Care Entrepreneurs
Marketin Strategies Overview
(2 badges)
1. What is Marketing?
In this video, you’ll learn how marketing lets parents know about your program and inspires them to want to learn more. You’ll reflect on what you like about the services you regularly use, and start to imagine your target customer.
2. Your Passions & Strengths
In this video, we'll explore your motivations for becoming a child care entrepreneur, your strengths, and the positive features of your home.
3. Need for Care in Your Area
In this video, you’ll learn about parents' need for care. You’ll pause to explore whether there’s a big need and describe the parents in your area. You’ll reflect on how these facts might shape your marketing strategy.
4. Pulling it All Together
In this video, you’ll explore two ways to describe your program—features and benefits. You’ll also learn what to expect and get ready to use the Marking Message Builder.
Marketting Message Builder
5. Marketing Message Builder
Go to the Builder and click Start. Use your notes to respond to the prompts, then click Submit. Then, look for your program description in your email inbox and claim your badge!
6. Introduction to Marketing Strategies
In this video, you’ll get an overview of several ways to market your program and learn about the effectiveness of strategies that engage multiple senses. You’ll also get some suggestions for using the Marketing Strategies Explorer.
7. Marketing Strategy Explorer
Go to the Explorer to learn what each strategy entails, why businesses use it, and first steps to implementation. "Favorite" strategies you're interested in. When you're done, go to the Builder to create your marketing plan!
8. Marketing Plan Builder
Choose the strategies you’ll use, decide how you’ll accomplish the necessary steps, and commit to a timeframe to get started. Your Marketing Plan will be delivered to your inbox.
Mark. Strategy Explorer
Marketting Plan Builder
(2 insignias)
1. ¿Qué es marketing?
En este video, aprenderás cómo el marketing les hace saber a los padres de tu programa y los inspira a desear más información. Reflexionarás sobre qué es lo que te gusta de los servicios que usan con regularidad, y empezarás a pensar en tu cliente deseado (cliente meta).
2. Tus pasiones y tus fortalezas
En este video, exploraremos qué te motiva a ser una empresaria del cuidado infantil, tus fortalezas y las características positivas de tu hogar.